Monday, March 10, 2014

Communique #1

Some days it seems like everything is wrong.
Some days it seems like all the worst people are winning.
Some days it seems like faith in humanity is a fool's errand.
Some days it seems like hope for the future is a hollow delusion.

Some days it is a really nice day.


To: All those who believe their power to be absolute; all those who believe they can serve the few at the expense of the many; all those insulated from the unpleasantness and cruelty of the world by wealth and luxury.


   We-- the people, the public, the proletariat, the poor-- are writing to let you know that we are still hereWe have been trammeled by your legislation, bullied by your advertising, and water-boarded by your deluge of lies, but WE ARE STILL HERE.

   Your pundits continue to shame us wholesale as "takers", "moochers", and "slackers"-- fine. We will continue to ignore them. As you waste time trying to turn our own opinions against us, we are quietly working to ensure our own futures without you, your mouthpiece media, or your systems of subjugation. 
   The carrot you dangle before us is rotten-- we can see the flies. The stick you brandish in our faces grows ever more flimsy as our lives are strained thinner and thinner. You cannot threaten us with suffering; suffering is where we have already been living. Our calluses are thick, our will is strong, and our belief in reckless love is unshakable. No longer can fear-mongering divide us from one another; no more will empty promises keep us in line. We have seen behind the curtain and you cannot distract our gaze from the true source of our suffering.

   We know the game is rigged and more and more of us are refusing to play. We have accepted the risks. We have calculated the score. We know our power. Very soon all those millions of backs you have stabbed, subjugated, and stepped on to reach your false pinnacle will disappear from beneath you. You cannot stop this. The harder you clamp down the stronger we will rise up. The more insidiously you attempt to disperse us, the more powerfully the tide will rush back upon you.

   The only decision left to you is just how hard you will fall. Return us our rights, recognize our worth and dignity, and we will welcome you. Try to ignore us or intimidate us and we will dance past your roadblocks and march, united in joyous freedom, into a bright new day, leaving you alone in the empty ruins of your grand castles.

   Our love is stronger than your money.

   Beware the hungry.